Almost two months ago we sent to the relevant political groups (PP, PSOE, Més Santa Pola (through Compromís), Vox and Ciudadanos) a document in which we synthesized our vision of the needs of the neighborhood, with aspects to finish, to improve and to prioritize in the short and medium term, so that they would know that vision for their electoral program.
Two weeks ago and with the electoral programs already matured, we reminded them of this document and if they could indicate to us in which aspects and degree they could commit themselves.
The results of this initiative can be summarized as follows:
Response from PP: A response from each relevant department on the matter, and a meeting with the mayoress and the six most relevant councilors to discuss the points. A summary is available here: . The electoral program for Gran Alacant, available here:
Response from PSOE: To the sending of the document, they give acknowledgement of receipt. To the request of contrast with their electoral program, they answer that they will answer us as soon as possible, and they refer us to the last page of their electoral program, section “barrios”, available here:
Response from Més Santa Pola (through Compromís): Upon sending the document, they indicate that they will take note of it for the electoral program. To the request of contrast with their electoral program, we do not have any answer.
(Absence of) Responses from Ciudadanos and Vox: We have not received any response, neither to the sending of the document, nor to the request to compare it with their electoral program.
The results of this initiative, which attempts to systematically focus on the needs of the neighborhood, have been very disappointing (except with the current municipal corporation) and show a surprising lack of interest in planning for the improvement of the neighborhood by those who are postulated to do so.